Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Boardman trails............................

Today it didn't rain but was too wet to work outside as it did rain during the night. I got the housework done and after talking to the doc this morning decided that we could all use a walk. It's been hard to get out and do anything the past couple of weeks. Gabby and Cooper were up for it so down to the Boardman Dam we went. The easy trail, Fox Den trail is .06 miles. Just right for Cooper.
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I had wanted to take him to the nature center but it is closed on Mondays. So we just hit the trail
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Cooper is a bit young to appreciate the flowers and bugs but I took their pictures anyway no idea what the bugs were I was looking for Monarc's
Boardman River has quite the history here and I will try to find a link so I don't have to write it all out.
Right now they are going to take out the dam, put the river back to it's original course. I will find a link to that as well.
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Gabby and Cooper deciding what way to go............actually it's a loop so either way would bring us back to that spot.
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Cooper liked the water and there was a group of kids and teachers just there doing a field trip.
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This was interesting, a tree with the bark missing showing the trails of the beetle that killed the tree. Cooper said it was like a treasure map.
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Cooper is 4 he is not used to hiking like Tristen was at that age. He did enjoy it though and maybe later we can walk further.
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Beautiful wild flowers
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I had to explain that he must not get out of sight and to look over his shoulder to be sure he could still see us. He took that literally and about walked into stuff. So we let that go for now.
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We ended up where we began.................this is the lake before it goes into the dam. Canada Geese relaxing......where are the Swans today. I don't think they like all the activity.
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They put in a big new bridge on the road above (Cass Road) so that when the river is diverted it will go under the new bridge. Then they will take out the dam.
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There are a lot of trails along the river and it's quite close and an easy drive so we can get there with no problem. I will expand my driving soon and maybe take them out to Leland to the beach. Laura is working a lot and I can't stay in. No intention of wasting the summer. Lots of places to go quite close to home so we have a lot of places we can go walking. Dr Weber was quite pleased with my progress and I have been taken off of my cholesterol meds and one of the blood pressure meds. That in itself has helped me get back some energy and enthusiasm. I have lost about 5 pounds so that is incentive to get some more off by walking. Gabby and Cooper can use some time out away from home while they are staying here. So, maybe I will try to get to the Nature center tomorrow.


Gabrielle said...

Really great pictures nanny :)

Magic Love Crow said...

What a great place to walk!!! Congrats with your weight loss and getting off the pills! Proud of you! Big Hugs!